rat martini bar
Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003

so i am officially back in business, and things couldn't be better. i know i need to update the pictures on this journal- you're all long overdue for the visual companions to my adventures....

adventures mainly being that i'm working a lot, and hanging out with Ash like it's my 2nd job. seeing as how we're basically down to about 3 weeks until she's outta here, we're doing all we can to soak up whatever time we have left.

The 4th of July is coming. I fingerpainted the other day. Yesterday, i bought an air conditioner and fireworks. Ash left her book here. Abbey passed away.

So i'm worried about Belle, being lonely, since they ARE twins, and literally were never separated for even a moment since birth. I'm trying to give her as much extra love as i can for whatever time she has left. Lots of treats and leftover chicken fingers.

By the way. Abbey and Belle are rats. Just for the record, if you weren't sure and as curious about my matter-of-factness.

Abbey passed away in her sleep, next to her sister, of course. I got a shoebox, lined it with papertowels and made a pillow for her, put some flowers in, rested her on her side, and covered her up nicely. Ash was sweet, i pretended like it wasn't a big deal and closed my door. Walked out to get the paper towels and she was standing in the kitchen, in the MIDDLE of the kitchen, nervous and wondering what to do. Surely, that meant more than anything she could have done- Just standing there trying to figure out how to help? Awesome.

So i said it was okay to come into my room, and i warned her of how graphic it'll be to see Abbey- She had too many tumors to hide, and it was pretty ugly. But she sat there as i tucked her in and kissed her goodbye. I cried a little, for her, of course, but also because it brought back memories of Daisy. Which i have not confronted. So.

Basically, i'm fine. I'm almost relieved because 1. Abbey's conditions sucked with the tumors, and 2. i KNOW for a fact that she's chillin' somewhere with Daisy, sipping little rat martini's, and eating all the spaghetti there is up there. I bet Daisy has been lonely these past almost four months. So. She's got her friend back. And they're waiting for Belle, so i'm just trying to make Belle comfortable 'till then.

Time to get ready for work. I've missed this. :)


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a day early - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003
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the usual concern - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
san fran - Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003

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