Saturday, Jun. 07, 2003


i'm still here. Ash is in the shower getting ready for work, and i'm catching up on some emails... I won't have internet in the new house 'til the 24th, so my writing will be few and far between.

SO, quick update: I moved into the new house and out of the old one. Moved out AS the new people were moving in- We were cutting it that close. The place is BEAUTIFUL. Screened in front porch, all hardwood floors, working fireplace, my bedroom is dubbed "The Ballroom". Coles has been stressed and not the cheerful girl i thought i knew lately, but she's a big girl. So we'll deal.

Phil's been understandably stressed, as someone stole his dad's van, which he was using to bring his stuff over to mine.

Anyway. Life is good. Thanks for your patience, everybody...


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a day early - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003
so. - Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003
divorcing - Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003
the usual concern - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
san fran - Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003

something to say?
