Fuck's Sake
Thursday, May. 29, 2003

for fuck's sake, i haven't been this stressed out since i pretended to care about finals.

Still waiting on a phone call i was told to expect today about the apartment that i keep picturing myself in when i move outta here, and it's almost 7pm, and every time my phone rings, i jump, and i've had my gut tied in fine, Irish knotwork all day, and frankly, i'm fucking goddamn tired.

(this is what happens when coffee wears off, i think)

No, no, i'm justified in my frustration and anticipation, i WANT this place, i do. And i, no joke, have to move out TOMORROW. I have to. I'm working open to close on sat, which is the real last day of residency here. So. Tomorrow. And i'm not done packing, and there's so much to move, and so many BIG things, like my bed, the table, entertainment center, GOD, how do people DO this!? How did *I* do this? Ah yes, with help. Fuck's sake.

Oh a sidenote. Ash is currently under the needle at Greenman, getting more of her sleeve done. She bought me nail hardener as a present. Sweet.

I'm going to take a shower. Clean the kitty litter. And if that fucker calls while i'm in the shower, i swear to god, i'm just going to run myself over. Because he calls me with a blocked number.



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a day early - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003
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the usual concern - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
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