a difference a day
Wednesday, May. 14, 2003

Did the greatest shit yesterday... Ash stayed the night, and we woke up, and went around taking black and white pictures... Took 'em to Ritz Camera to get just the negatives, and then to her university's dark room... She taught me how to develop pictures!! I have yet to scan them in and post 'em, but i'll do that as soon as i can.

Until then, here's a picture she took for www.mirrorproject.com, (if i knew how to link it, i'd link it) in the studio outside the dark room...

And here's a picture of me she took under the hanging red light. And yes, her flash did go off while trying to do this, but thankfully all of our pictures had already gone though the fixer (i know a TERM!), so nothing was destroyed. Funny, though... ;)

And and and. We decided that when she leaves, we'll take a roll of pictures, and send the roll to the other, and the other will develop them. And, of course, scan the good ones and send 'em back. A cool way to keep in touch. Makes me less.... anxious about feeling left, maybe. It stemmed from her idea of exchanging pictures though sending a roll and double exposing it.

Regardless, i'm so excited about this photography thing. My next mission is to go out and get a really really decent 35mm camera (i already have a kickass APS Nikon), and start looking into where i can use a darkroom. Or if i could build one. And then go on Bellis' obsession of getting old, strange cameras and just take pictures for the rest of my life.

Sounds good. What a difference a day makes. ;)


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