new and exciting.
Wednesday, May. 07, 2003

there's some good drama going down right now, and i'm not saying a goddamn word to anybody about it.

except you.


i am not shitting you; i have a "Drama Diagram" i made per Coles' request 'cause she couldn't follow the story. Bottom line is that i'm strongly suspecting that Ash and her ex slept together last week, and Ash lied about who she was with that night she didn't see me. Such a long story. And more than hurt and disappointed, which i am, i'm relieved. Feeling done wrong, regardless of its truth or extreme, feels better than me fucking something up, or fate not allowing that particular brand of happiness. so... i'll likely find out for sure tomorrow night, and i'll keep you posted. 'cause the problem isn't that they slept together so much as that she lied at a time when telling the truth was safe. ...what would she do if the time didn't allow safety?


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