Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003

know she breaks my siren, never was one for a Prissy Girl...

and i saw that you saw me secretly on your new ID, that you still keep your eye on me, and i laughed because your coldness was as see-through as the ice sheet heart cliche i degraded you to

i knew you'd see, i knew you'd see

and out there in Denver, do you know that i listened to Siren on repeat, naked, when i was all torn up, around my room, i tried to tear my mattress up, like a giant phone book, and i screamed when i saw your picture,

and you out there in minneapolis, when we separated the so-many-times we did, it felt like how a goddamn teardrop feels when you wipe it across your face,

and hadn't it gone through enough when it went through my body like you did?

you in everywhere, you do hear me when i speak, you do. i miss you all the time.

what names will make me shudder in the next twenty years of learning?

i'm beginning to forget faces...


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a day early - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003
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the usual concern - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
san fran - Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003

something to say?
