Monday, Apr. 28, 2003

I'm sleeping alone tonight, and it's okay. Fil is on his way over to smoke the new smokables i got, and i've got to get up early in the morning... So here's some pictures to make up for my lack of writing, for maybe my lack of depth lately. Distraction is a powerful thing, and happiness, or at least contentment, distracts mostly from good writing. I'll see what i can do. In the meantime...

Here's a picture of me after i scored a goal at my last soccer game. Notice the inhaler in my hand as i'm high-fiving my teammate, Kelly. Now, THAT's devotion to the game.

And then there's Ash and i, the other night, balancing a bowl of popcorn between our bellies. Oh yes, two great minds coming together to create brilliant things. You got it.

Ms. Coles, who i finally got to hug tonight. This was from when we were baked out of our misery, realizing that, even with a college education, neither of us could figure out how many quarts in a gallon in order to make Kool-Aid. God help the world.

Sweet dreams, all.


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a day early - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003
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the usual concern - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
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something to say?
