sending out
Apr. 197, 2003

i have to say, i submitted some shit for the Falcon Ridge Folk Fest (did i mention this before?)... a check for $6 for the application, a bio, the application itself, and three CD's with three of my songs on them all. Sent it away, all packed up and ready to go. Don't know when i'm hearing back from them, but i'm not holding my breath either. If i get this gig, yes i did mention it earlier, but, if i get this gig... how fucking cool.

here's all the things i sent out, labelled "The dirt" (the bio), "The App" (application), "The Goods" (the CD's), "The Cash" (the check). I think it's cute. It's different. Who knows.

on the other hand, 'cause there's always an other hand...

Told Jess at work about my predicament with the boy. She's completely trustworthy, no worries about that. But she came up to me today, asking if i had spoken to him about everything... No, i hadn't. She'd noticed (as i have) that he and i are almost avoiding each other. We've stopped being playful. So, we shall see. Going out with Ash tonight, god help me. I'm in deep here, but i'm smiling...


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a day early - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003
so. - Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003
divorcing - Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003
the usual concern - Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
san fran - Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003

something to say?
